Your first visit is for a diagnostic consultation and if you have made an appointment for acupuncture, this will be included in your first treatment.

Your practitioner will find out medically relevant information about your condition and examine your tongue and your pulse. A brief physical examination will be conducted where necessary.

Acupuncture doesn’t hurt. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine, almost like a hair, and it is sometimes hard to even feel them being administered. Some patient report a sensation after the insertion of the needle, but this is a pressure-like sensation rather than pain.

It is in the hands of a professionally trained practitioner. Acupuncture TCM is safe and entirely free of negative side-effects.

Acupuncture are pre-sterilised single use needles. They are safe and painless to use, and are safely discarded after treatment.

The needles used are hair thin and totally unlike the needles used for injections of medicine. Most people don’t even feel the insertion and those who do describe it as a kind of pressure. There is no need to be afraid of the needles. If you are worried, however, mention this when you make your appointment, or at your first consultation so your practitioner can take it into account and make things easier for you.

It is impossible to say how many treatments somebody will need, especially without a proper consultation and diagnostic process. We always recommend a proper consultation and one treatment first then we will know your condition and your reaction to the treatment to advise your how many sessions you roughly needed

Usually treatments are scheduled weekly, sometimes twice per week or bi-weekly depending on your conditions. Many patients choose, once the problem has been successfully treated, to attend treatment bi-weekly or monthly in order to ensure they stay healthy.

It is ok to the usual things you do afterwards. We do recommend that you avoid strenuous exercise or intellectual strain for about 30 minutes after your treatment. Yes you can drive after the treatment.

Yes. People of all ages can have safe and effective treatment. Children can attend the acupuncture clinic with their parent and guardian.

Acupuncture can, and often is used in conjunction with western medical treatment. It does not negatively interfere with other forms of medicine. It is important, however, to tell your practitioner what other forms of treatment you are receiving.

To go the your GP, you generally need to be ill. Not so with TCM – you can use acupuncture and TCM even when you are not ill, just ‘not feeling 100%’, or you don’t want to wait until you get ill. TCM has always been used to improve health, to be so well that you don’t get unwell, and be able to live your life to full. Traditional Chinese acupuncture can always help you strengthen your body’s immunity, improve your body energy and help you stay healthy.